Get to know us

and our work

SSG is an Africa-based nonprofit led by seed systems specialists who have played a pivotal role in breeding better crop varieties and launching more than 100 local seed companies in some 15 countries. They include places such as Ghana and Ethiopia, where the availability of improved seed has helped place them at the vanguard of Africa’s Green Revolution.

SSG believes that every farmer in every village should have access to high-quality seed for a wide range of crop varieties, and is working with governments and investors to make that a reality.

Our Vision

Seed Systems Group is driven by the belief that an Africa free from hunger is achievable in our lifetime.

Recent advances in the development and supply of seed of improved crop varieties in some countries of Africa have helped to reverse decades of declining crop yields and provided new hope that the continent can feed itself and help feed the rest of the world. However, these advances have so far been limited to a select group of countries where access to seed has been made a priority by governments, donor agencies, and development groups.  Meanwhile, farmers in many African countries remain beyond the reach of the supply of improved seed, and continue to harvest far less than they could if better seed were available.

The mission of Seed Systems Group is to extend the recent advances in seed systems development to farmers in countries of Africa that have so far been left behind.

Core Values

  1. We are passionate about our work. The SSG team views its work as more than a job.  Extending the benefits of improved seed to poor, smallholder farmers of Africa is a mission which we believe in, and which we are committed to pursuing with passion and excellence.
  2. We are inclusive. Creating a fairer, more inclusive world is at the core of what we do.  Therefore, we are committed to including people of all backgrounds in our mission and work, and are especially intentional of including and creating new opportunities for women, who have historically been excluded from the work, management, and benefits of agricultural development.
  3. We are compassionate. The SSG team is driven by a desire to help less fortunate members of society have a better life.  Our chosen means of assisting them is the life-giving force of better seed.  We are committed to sharing this benefit with the poorest farmers of the world, who need it most.
  4. We are prudent in management of resources. The SSG team is conscious of the fact that the resources directed to its work are precious, and limited.  We are committed to conserving resources and wisely managing the costs, in terms of funds, time, personnel, and other resources in all of our work, and in the work that we support.
  5. We are inquisitive. The SSG team believes in the power of scientific inquiry and discovery, and is committed to remaining curious, open-minded, and operating on the basis of evidence to help farmers sustainably improve their productivity and lives.

We have moved to a new location

Shelter Court, 140 Manyani W road , Nairobi